Sunday, March 4, 2018

New Walls

November 24, 2017

    The hall walls were a mismash of different pieces and widths.  It also had a door from between the family room and the hall.   Perry wanted one straight shot down the hall.  So we set out to remove a wall and move it 4 in.
This is a door that was originally at the beginning of the wall.  Perry removed it and all the framing so that it was completely open to the walls and ceiling.

At the end of the hall just before the garage entrace was this cupboard area and half wall then it stepped down into a small landing.  We removed the cupboards (went into my garden shed),  half wall and the landing back to the front wall.  I want a mudroom area here.

All cleared out.  
Okay see this little jut out on the left.  That is the wall Perry wanted moved so that it was straight with no jut.  So it had to be moved.

Originally on the inside of that wall there was a second wall built about six inches from it.  We removed that one a while ago.  In the process of removing the hall wall we discovered it wasn't even nailed into the ceiling.  

All straight.

Next up was to frame the master closet on the other side of this wall.
Now, came the exciting part.  We wanted to frame the master bath to the left of the closet.  We needed to remove a 24 inch by about 10 foot piece of ceiling sheetrock to frame it.  All of the ceiling and wall sheetrock will be coming out adventually but there is blow in insulation in the ceiling and we didn't want to clean it up yet.  We figured if we just removed the piece where the wall needed to attach to the ceiling it would only be a little clean up.  Best laid plans of mice and men!
Perry carefully cut the sheetrock, climbed on the ladder and started to gently pull on the piece.
OOPS!!!!  The whole bathroom area ceiling sheetrock came down!   It wasn't attached very well.

Wish I had it on video!!

10 bags of blow in insulation later!!
So that ended that days work.  No more framing.

December 2, 2017

We have the World's Most Fantastic Home Teacher.  He has been there for so many things for us and never misses a months visit.  On this Saturday, he wanted to come help us frame.  (P.S. this is our home teacher from Cedar Hills) He showed up with all his tools and his ladder and came to help.  He spent all day helping.  Thanks, Chuck Pritchett.
So we finally framed the master bathroom entrance.  Brady and Miah came to help too.

Bathroom entrance on the left, closet on the right.

Next was the master bedroom wall between the dining room and bedroom!!  I was so excited to get this wall in.  Really helped me to see the size of both of those rooms.  So exciting to see wall go up instead of come down!!

Help From Perry's Mom and Dad

October 4, 2017

Perry's parents asked to store their 5th wheel on our property so we arranged to meet them in Fountain Green.  They also were willing to help with some work at the house.  They said they could bring their chain saw to help take out some of our dead trees.  Because no one lived in the house for about 9 months and renters in it for quite awhile before that, the yard and trees had not been watered.  Some of the trees are way to large for us to remove but there were several that were small enough for us to cut down ourselves.   

 When Brady and Miah lived in the house, Brady removed limbs from this one in the front yard.

This pine tree was dead.
These three on the edge of my garden in the backyard needed removed.
We also removed a little stand of quakies on the side that were dead.

So we went to work.  Perry and his Dad cut them down and then his Mom and I hauled branches to the burn pile and stacked big pieces in the wood shed.

 I was tending my granddaughter, Ryah, for the week so she came with us and she was a big help.  She hauled branches that were taller than she was and almost as big around.

All down and gone.

After we had them all removed and the wood hauled to the burn pile we lit a big bonfire.  We had been piling up branches and weeds for the whole summer and it was quite a big pile.  Flames were about 12 feet high.
Where's the hot dogs?

I had seen several little fires being burned in the area and thought that since it was October, we were ok to burn it.  Perry cleared weeds around the area and we brought the hose over.  A few minutes in the fire chief showed up.  "Can't burn til November," he said.  But he was cool about it.  Just stayed and visited for about an hour until it was almost burned out.  

We still have more to remove but most are too large for us.

Window moving videos

Window moving videos - August/September 2017

Someone let me know if these do not work.  Thanks.